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How We Work With Therapists & Healthcare Providers

How We Work With Therapists & Healthcare Providers

In our experience, patients are best served when the all members of the provider team work together and are fully informed. We value your expertise and welcome the opportunity to support you and your patients.

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We Work With:

  • Psychiatrists
  • Therapists
  • Psychologists
  • Neurologists
  • Pain Specialists
  • Primary Care Physicians
  • Coaches
  • Social Workers

Treatments for:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • PTSD
  • Migraines & Headaches
  • CRPS & Chronic Pain
  • Immunity & Resilience

Our Services:

  • IV Ketamine
  • IV NAD+
  • IV Nutrients & Vitamins
  • Intranasal Ketamine & NAD+
  • IV Glutathione
  • Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)

Let us help you support your patients!

We pride ourselves on offering our patients a process that is administratively efficient and clinically rigorous while maintining a high level of personalized care and attention.

Step 1: Confirm Your Patient's Interest

The first step is to confirm your patient's openness/interest in infusion therapies such as Ketamine, NAD+, Vitamins, Glutathione, etc. by having a conversation with the differences between Combination Infusion Therapy and conventional approaches to treating anxiety, depression and PTSD.

Step 2: Submit Online Patient Referral Form

If you believe your patient may be a good fit for guided Ketamine treatments, then please tell us a little about them so we may contact them. You can submit a Patient Referral Form here.

Step 3: Review Patient Care Plan With Us

Once we have spoken with your patient and received required documents, we will contact you to confirm/discuss our treatment plan. We value your input and experience and will work closely with you to ensure the best patient care possible.

Step 4: We Provide Ongoing Updates About Treatments and Progress

With your patient's consent, we will share treatment information with you in order to keep you informed of their progress.


Refer Your Patient To Us

If you are a doctor or therapist with a patient you think could benefit from Combination Infusion Therapy, then please submit our referral form.

Latest Science & Research

NAD4 - How NAD+ Can Treat Degenerative Diseases

How NAD+ Can Treat Degenerative Diseases

December 6, 2016

More recently it has been found that NAD+ is also required as a substrate by enzymes that regulate the expression of genes involved in cell viability and aging and in repair of damaged DNA.

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headache3 - Ketamine for the Treatment of Chronic Migraines

Ketamine for the Treatment of Chronic Migraines

November 22, 2016

Intravenous (IV) ketamine has been previously used to treat various refractory pain conditions. We present a series of patients with refractory migraine treated with intravenous ketamine in the hospital setting.

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Screen Shot 2021-02-11 at 11.05.32 AM - How Ketamine Cures Depression: The Science Behind It

How Ketamine Cures Depression: The Science Behind It

June 30, 2016

Like many other drugs, ketamine has multiple effects rendering it suitable for various indications including anesthesia, sedation, acute and chronic pain relief and treatment of therapy-resistant depression.

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dendrites - Effects of Ketamine on Dendritic Architecture In Vivo in the Mouse Medial Frontal Cortex

Effects of Ketamine on Dendritic Architecture In Vivo in the Mouse Medial Frontal Cortex

March 13, 2016

A single subanesthetic dose of ketamine, an NMDA receptor antagonist, leads to fast-acting antidepressant effects.

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